

方砖大叔 发表于 2020-06-26 07:26浏览次数:

QBasic是Microsoft设计的BASIC编程语言的一种变体。 使用QBasic,用户可以设计计算机程序或实用程序。



1 qbasic 运行系统环境

2 qbasic 语法

3 qbasic 示例

qbasic 运行系统环境

Windows 95

Windows 98

All Versions of MS-DOS

qbasic 语法

启动MS-DOS QBasic编程环境。

QBASIC [/B] [/EDITOR] [/G] [/H] [/MBF] [/NOHI] [[/RUN] [drive:][path]filename]
/B 允许将单色显示器与彩色图形卡一起使用。
/G 提供CGA屏幕的最快更新。
/H 显示硬件可能的最大行数。
/NOHI 允许使用没有高强度支持的显示器。
/RUN 在显示指定的QBasic程序之前,先运行它。
[[drive:] [path] filename]-指定要加载或运行的程序文件。

Starts the MS-DOS QBasic programming environment.

QBASIC [/B] [/EDITOR] [/G] [/H] [/MBF] [/NOHI] [[/RUN] [drive:][path]filename]
/B Allows use of a monochrome monitor with a color graphics card.
/EDITOR Starts the MS-DOS editor.
/G Provides the fastest update of a CGA screen.
/H Displays the maximum number of lines possible for your hardware.
/MBF Converts the built-in functions MKS$, MKD$, CVS, and CVD to MKSMBF$, MKDMBF$, CVSMBF, and CVDMBF, respectively.
/NOHI Allows the use of a monitor without high-intensity support.
/RUN Runs the specified QBasic program before displaying it.
[[drive:][path]filename] - Specifies the program file to load or run.



qbasic 示例

qbasic /run game.bas


Windows 95 and Windows 98 QBasic

当您在计算机上放置Windows 95和Windows 98时,未安装QBasic。 但是,它仍在Windows CD上,以支持较旧的程序,以及仍然对使用BASIC编程感兴趣的人们。 QBasic在以下位置之一。

Windows 95-QBasic可以位于不同的位置,具体取决于Windows 95版本以及您的CD是否为OEM CD。 要找到QBasic,请将Windows 95 CD放入计算机中,单击“开始”,“查找”,然后搜索qbasic *。*,并确保您正在CD-ROM驱动器中查找。 此命令应找到两个文件:qbasic.exe和qbasic.hlp。 将这两个文件复制到硬盘上您选择的目录中。

Windows 98 Users -


X是CD-ROM驱动器的盘符,如果要在没有Windows 98 CD的情况下使用QBasic,则必须将QBasic.exe和QBasic.hlp复制到硬盘驱动器上的目录中。

额外注意:如果您有OEM还原CD,但没有上面的目录,请按照Windows 95用户的说明进行操作。

qbasic /run game.bas

Open QBasic and run game.bas.

Windows 95 and Windows 98 QBasic

QBasic is not installed when you put Windows 95 and Windows 98 on your computer. However, it is still on the Windows CD for support with older programs, as well as people still interested in programming in BASIC. QBasic is in one of the following locations.

Windows 95 - QBasic can be in different locations depending on the Windows 95 version, as well as if your CD is an OEM CD. To locate QBasic, place your Windows 95 CD in the computer click Start, Find, and search for qbasic*.*, and ensure that you're looking in the CD-ROM drive. This command should locate two files: qbasic.exe and qbasic.hlp. Copy these two files to a directory of your choice on the hard drive.

  • How to determine the version of Windows on a computer.

Windows 98 Users -


X being the letter of your CD-ROM drive, if you want to use QBasic without the Windows 98 CD, you must copy QBasic.exe and QBasic.hlp to a directory on your hard drive.

Extra Note: if you have an OEM restore CD and do not have the directory above, follow the instructions for Windows 95 users.


If you do not have a program called game.bas, it opens a blank QBasic window.

