

舞夕之 发表于 2020-06-28 17:21浏览次数:

Microsoft ScanDisk最初是在MS-DOS 6.2中引入的。它是一个软件实用程序,能够检查硬盘和软盘是否有任何磁盘错误。


For newer versions of Windows, use the chkdsk command to check your hard drive from the command line.You cannot run ScanDisk from a command line while Windows is running.



1 scandisk 运行系统环境

2 scandisk 语法

3 scandisk 示例

scandisk 运行系统环境

MS-DOS 6.22及以上

scandisk 语法

Windows XP和更高版本的语法
Windows 98和ME的语法
scandisk [ drive: | volume_name | /all] [/checkonly | /autofix [/nosave] | /custom] 
[/fragment] [/surface] [/mono] [/nosave] [/nosummary]
drive: 您要扫描的驱动器号。
volume_name 卸载的压缩卷的名称。
/all 一次检查并修复所有本地驱动器。
/checkonly 检查驱动器是否有错误,但不会进行维修。
/autofix 无需先询问即可修复错误。默认情况下,将丢失的群集另存为驱动器根目录中的文件。不能与/ checkonly或/ custom一起使用。
/custom 使用scandisk.ini文件的[custom]部分中的设置运行ScanDisk。不能与/ autofix或/ checkonly一起使用。
/surface 在测试其他区域后自动检查表面,而无需先提示您。与/ custom一起使用时,将覆盖scandisk.ini的[Custom]节中的/ surface设置。
/fragment 检查单个文件的碎片。必须指定驱动器,路径和文件名;不能使用任何其他开关。
/mono 使用单色显示而不是彩色显示。
/nosave 删除“磁盘扫描程序”找到的所有丢失的簇。可以与/autofix一起使用。
/nosummary 防止在每个驱动器之后显示全屏摘要。与/ autofix一起使用可防止出现有关撤消软盘的提示。
MS-DOS 6.0和更早的语法
scandisk [ drive: | drive:\path\file name | volume_name | /all] [/checkonly | /autofix [/nosave] | /custom] 
[/fragment] [/surface] [/mono] [/nosave] [/nosummary]
drive: 您要扫描的驱动器号。
drive:\path\file name 您要扫描的驱动器和路径或文件名。
volume_name 卸载的压缩卷的名称。
/all 一次检查并修复所有本地驱动器。
/checkonly 检查驱动器是否有错误,但不会进行维修。
/autofix 无需先询问即可修复错误。默认情况下,将丢失的群集另存为驱动器根目录中的文件。不能与/ checkonly或/ custom一起使用。
/custom 使用scandisk.ini文件的[custom]部分中的设置运行ScanDisk。不能与/ autofix或/ checkonly一起使用。
/surface 在测试其他区域后自动检查表面,而无需先提示您。与/ custom一起使用时,将覆盖scandisk.ini的[Custom]节中的/ surface设置。
/fragment 检查单个文件的碎片。必须指定驱动器,路径和文件名;不能使用任何其他开关。
/mono 使用单色显示而不是彩色显示。
/nosave 删除“磁盘扫描程序”找到的所有丢失的簇。可以与/autofix一起使用。
/nosummary 防止在每个驱动器之后显示全屏摘要。与/ autofix一起使用可防止出现有关撤消软盘的提示。
Windows XP and later syntax

The ScanDisk command line command is deprecated and was replaced with the chkdsk command.

Windows 98 and ME syntax
scandisk [ drive: | volume_name | /all] [/checkonly | /autofix [/nosave] | /custom] 
[/fragment] [/surface] [/mono] [/nosave] [/nosummary]
drive: The drive letter you want to scan.
volume_name The name of the unmounted compressed volume.
/all Checks and repairs all the local drives at once.
/checkonly Checks drive for errors but will not make repairs.
/autofix Fixes errors without asking you first. Saves lost clusters by default as files in the drive's root directory. Cannot be used with /checkonly or /custom.
/custom Runs ScanDisk using the settings in the [custom] section of the scandisk.ini file. Cannot be used with /autofix or /checkonly.
/surface Automatically checks surface after other areas are tested without prompting you first. When used with /custom, overrides any /surface setting in the [Custom] section of scandisk.ini.
/fragment Checks individual files for fragmentation. Must specify a drive, path, and file name; cannot use any other switches.
/mono Uses a monochrome display instead of color.
/nosave Deletes all lost clusters found by ScanDisk. Can be used with /autofix.
/nosummary Prevents display of full-screen summary after each drive. Use with /autofix to prevent prompts for undo diskette.
MS-DOS 6.0 and earlier syntax
scandisk [ drive: | drive:\path\file name | volume_name | /all] [/checkonly | /autofix [/nosave] | /custom] 
[/fragment] [/surface] [/mono] [/nosave] [/nosummary]
drive: The drive letter you want to scan.
drive:\path\file name The drive and path or file name you want to scan.
volume_name The name of the unmounted compressed volume.
/all Checks and repairs all local drives at once.
/checkonly Checks drive for errors but will not make repairs.
/autofix Fixes errors without asking you first. Saves lost clusters by default as files in the drive's root directory. Cannot be used with /checkonly or /custom.
/custom Runs ScanDisk using the settings in the [custom] section of the scandisk.ini file. Cannot be used with /autofix or /checkonly.
/surface Automatically checks surface after other areas are tested without prompting you first. When used with /custom, overrides any /surface setting in the [Custom] section of scandisk.ini.
/fragment Checks individual files for fragmentation. Must specify a drive, path, and file name; cannot use any other switches.
/mono Uses a monochrome display instead of color.
/nosave Deletes all lost clusters found by ScanDisk. Can be used with /autofix.
/nosummary Prevents display of full-screen summary after each drive. Use with /autofix to prevent prompts for undo diskette.



scandisk 示例

scandisk c: /autofix


scandisk c: /autofix

Runs ScanDisk on the primary hard drive for any errors and if found automatically fix those errors.

