瑞兹 发表于 2021-02-03 09:03浏览次数:
On Linux operating systems, the modinfo command shows information about a module inserted in the kernel.
1 modinfo 运行系统环境
2 modinfo 描述
3 modinfo 语法
4 modinfo 例子
modinfo 运行系统环境
modinfo 描述
该modinfo命令从所给的Linux内核模块的命令提取信息的命令行。如果模块名称不是文件名,则搜索/ lib / modules / kernel-version目录-加载内核模块时,modprobe搜索相同的目录。
field name : value
The modinfo command extracts information from the Linux kernel modules given on the command line. If module name is not a file name, then the /lib/modules/kernel-version directory is searched — the same directory searched by modprobe when loading kernel modules.
By default, modinfo lists each attribute of the module in the form:
field name : value
The module file name is listed the same way.
modinfo can understand modules of any Linux Kernel architecture.
modinfo 语法
modinfo [-0] [-F field] [-k kernel] [module name|file name...]
modinfo -V
modinfo -h
-V,-- version
-F,-- field field name
仅打印名为field name的字段的值。字段名称不区分大小写。公共字段名author,description,license,parm,depends和alias。对于给定的字段名称,通常有多个字段,例如parm,alias和depends。每行打印多个值。特殊字段名称file name列出了模块的文件名。
-k kernel
-0,-- null
使用ASCII NULL 字符来分隔字段值,而不是换行符。此开关对于解析字段数据很有用,因为换行符可能是字段值的一部分。
这些是用于显示字段author,description,license,parm和file name的快捷方式。
modinfo [-0] [-F field] [-k kernel] [module name|file name...]
modinfo -V
modinfo -h
-V, --version
Print the version of modinfo, and exit.
-F, --field field name
Only print the value of the field named field name. Field names are case-insensitive. Common field names are author, description, license, parm, depends, and alias. There are often multiple fields for a given field name, for instance parm, alias, and depends. Multiple values are printed one per line. The special field name, file name, lists the file name of the module.
-k kernel
Provide information about a kernel other than the running one. This switch is particularly useful for distributions needing to extract information from a newly-installed (but not yet running) set of kernel modules.
-0, --null
Use the ASCII NULL character to separate field values, instead of a newline. This switch is useful for parsing field data, because a newline might be part of a field's value.
-a, -d, -l, -p, -n
These are shortcuts for displaying the fields author, description, license, parm, and file name.
modinfo 例子
modinfo snd
显示有关snd Linux内核模块的所有可用信息。输出将类似于以下内容:
file name: /lib/modules/3.2.0-4-686-pae/kernel/sound/core/snd.ko
alias: char-major-116-*
license: GPL
description: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture driver for sound cards.
author: Jaroslav Kysela
license: GPL
description: Jack detection support for ALSA
author: Mark Brown
depends: soundcore
intree: Y
vermagic: 3.2.0-4-686-pae SMP mod_unload modversions 686
parm: slots:Module names assigned to the slots. (array of charp)
parm: major:Major # for sound driver. (int)
parm: cards_limit:Count of auto-loadable sound cards. (int)
modinfo -F parm snd
显示snd Linux内核模块的所有parm(参数)字段。输出将类似于以下内容(请注意,字段名称不为字段值加上前缀):
slots:Module names assigned to the slots. (array of charp)
major:Major # for sound driver. (int)
cards_limit:Count of auto-loadable sound cards. (int)
modinfo snd
Display all available information about the snd Linux kernel module. Output will resemble the following:
file name: /lib/modules/3.2.0-4-686-pae/kernel/sound/core/snd.ko
alias: char-major-116-*
license: GPL
description: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture driver for sound cards.
author: Jaroslav Kysela
license: GPL
description: Jack detection support for ALSA
author: Mark Brown
depends: soundcore
intree: Y
vermagic: 3.2.0-4-686-pae SMP mod_unload modversions 686
parm: slots:Module names assigned to the slots. (array of charp)
parm: major:Major # for sound driver. (int)
parm: cards_limit:Count of auto-loadable sound cards. (int)
modinfo -F parm snd
Display all parm (parameter) fields for the snd Linux kernel module. Output will resemble the following (Note that the field name does not prefix the field values):
slots:Module names assigned to the slots. (array of charp)
major:Major # for sound driver. (int)
cards_limit:Count of auto-loadable sound cards. (int)