

小猪老师 发表于 2020-06-22 17:09浏览次数:




1 for 运行系统环境

2 for syntax

3 for 示例

for 运行系统环境

Windows 95

Windows 98

Windows xp

Windows vista

Windows 2000

Windows 7

Windows 8

Windows 10

Windows NT

Windows ME

All Versions of MS-DOS

for syntax

Windows 2000, XP和更高版本的语法

FOR %variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameters]
%variable 一个任意的参数。
(fileset) 指定一组一个或多个文件。可以使用通配符。
command 指定要为每个文件执行的命令。
command-parameters 指定命令的参数或开关。



FOR /D %variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameters]


FOR /R [[drive:]path] %variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameters]


FOR /L %variable IN (start,step,end) DO command [command-parameters]

这个集合是一个数字序列,从开始到结束,按步进的数量。所以(1,1,5)会生成序列1 2 3 4 5,而(5,-1,1)会生成序列(5 4 3 2 1)

FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN (file-set) DO command [command-parameters]
FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN ("string") DO command [command-parameters]
FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN ('command') DO command [command-parameters]


FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN (file-set) DO command [command-parameters]
FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN ('string') DO command [command-parameters]
FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN (`command`) DO command [command-parameters]


eol=c 指定行尾注释单。
skip=n 指定文件开头要跳过的行数。
delims=xxx 指定分隔符集,用于替换空格和制表符的默认分隔符集。









FOR /F "eol=; tokens=2,3* delims=, " %i in (myfile.txt) do @echo %i %j %k


%i是在for语句中显式声明的,而%j和%k是通过tokens    =选项隐式声明的。

还可以对任意字符串使用FOR /F解析逻辑。为此,将fileset指定为用圆括号括起来的单引号字符串。它将被解析为来自文件的单行输入。

最后,可以使用FOR /F命令来解析命令的输出。通过使括号之间的文件集成反引号字符串,它被视为命令行,传递给子CMD.EXE,其输出被捕获到内存中并作为文件进行解析。

FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %i IN (`set`) DO @echo %i



%~I 扩展%I,删除周围的引号(")。
%~fI 将%I展开为完全限定的路径名。
%~dI 仅将%I扩展为驱动器号。
%~pI 将%I扩展为仅路径。
%~nI 将%I扩展为文件名。
%~xI 仅将%I扩展为文件扩展名。
%~sI 展开路径只包含短名称。
%~aI 将%I展开为文件的文件属性。
%~tI 将%I扩展到文件的日期/时间。
%~zI 将%I扩展为文件的大小。




%~dpI 将%I扩展为驱动器符和路径。
%~nxI 将%I扩展为文件名和扩展名。
%~fsI 将%I扩展为仅具有短名称的完整路径名。
%~dp$PATH:i 搜索PATH环境变量中列出的目录%I,并展开到第一个找到的驱动器号和路径。
%~ftzaI 将%I展开到类似于DIR的输出行。


Windows 95, 98, ME 语法

FOR %variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameters]
%variable 指定可替换参数。
(set) 指定一组一个或多个文件。可以使用通配符。
command 指定要为每个文件执行的命令。
command-parameters 指定命令的参数或开关。


Windows 2000, XP, and later syntax

FOR %variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameters]
%variable An arbitrary parameter.
(fileset) Specifies a set of one or more files. Wildcards may be used.
command Specifies the command to carry out for each file.
command-parameters Specifies parameters or switches for the specified command.

To use the FOR command in a batch program, specify %%variable instead of %variable. Variable names are case-sensitive, so %i is different from %I.

If Command Extensions are enabled, the following additional forms of the FOR command are supported:

FOR /D %variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameters]

If set contains wildcards, then specifies to match against directory names instead of file names.

FOR /R [[drive:]path] %variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameters]

Walks the directory tree rooted at [drive:]path, executing the FOR statement in each directory of the tree. If no directory specification is specified after /R, then the current directory is assumed. If set is only a single period (.) character, then it will enumerate the directory tree.

FOR /L %variable IN (start,step,end) DO command [command-parameters]

The set is a sequence of numbers from start to end, by step amount. So (1,1,5) would generate the sequence 1 2 3 4 5 and (5,-1,1) would generate the sequence (5 4 3 2 1).

FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN (file-set) DO command [command-parameters]
FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN ("string") DO command [command-parameters]
FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN ('command') DO command [command-parameters]

or, if usebackq option present:

FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN (file-set) DO command [command-parameters]
FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN ('string') DO command [command-parameters]
FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN (`command`) DO command [command-parameters]

The parameter fileset is one or more file names that are the source of input. Each file in filenameset is opened, read, and processed before going on to the next one. Processing consists of reading in the file, breaking it up into individual lines of text, and then parsing each line into zero or more tokens. The body of the for loop is then called with the variable value(s) set to the found token string(s). By default, /F passes the first blank separated token from each line of each file. Blank lines are skipped. You can override the default parsing behavior by specifying the optional "options" parameter. A quoted string contains one or more keywords to specify different parsing options. The keywords are:

eol=c Specifies an end of line comment single.
skip=n Specifies the number of lines to skip at the beginning of the file.
delims=xxx Specifies a delimiter set, which replaces the default delimiter set of space and tab.
tokens=x,y,m-n Specifies what tokens from each line are to be passed to the for body for each iteration, which causes additional variable names to be allocated. The m-n form is a range, specifying the mth through the nth tokens. If the last character in the tokens= string is an asterisk, an additional variable is allocated and receives the remaining line text after the last token parsed.
usebackq Specifies new semantics are in force, where a back quoted string is executed as a command, and a single quoted string is a literal string command. Option also allows the use of double quotes to quote file names in fileset.

Some examples might help:

FOR /F "eol=; tokens=2,3* delims=, " %i in (myfile.txt) do @echo %i %j %k

parses myfile.txt, ignoring lines beginning with a semicolon, passing the 2nd and 3rd token from each line to the for body, with tokens delimited by commas and spaces. Notice the for body statements reference %i to get the 2nd token, %j to get the 3rd token, and %k to get all remaining tokens after the 3rd. For file names that contain spaces, you need to quote the file names with double quotes. To use double quotes in this manner, you need to use the usebackq option. Otherwise, the double quotes are interpreted as defining a literal string to parse.

%i is explicitly declared in the for statement, and the %j and %k are implicitly declared via the tokens= option. You can specify up to 26 tokens via the tokens= line, provided it does not cause an attempt to declare a variable higher than the letter 'z' or 'Z'. Remember, FOR variable names are case-sensitive, global, and you can't have more than 52 total active at any one time.

You can also use the FOR /F parsing logic on an arbitrary string. To do so, specify fileset as a single-quoted string enclosed in parentheses. It will be parsed as a single line of input from a file.

Finally, you can use the FOR /F command to parse the output of a command. You do this by making the fileset between the parenthesis a back quoted string. It's treated as a command line, which passes to a child CMD.EXE and its output is captured into memory and parsed as a file. So the following example:

FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %i IN (`set`) DO @echo %i

would enumerate the environment variable names in the current environment.

The substitution of the FOR variable references were enhanced, and you can now use the following optional syntax:

%~I Expands %I removing any surrounding quotes (").
%~fI Expands %I to a fully qualified path name.
%~dI Expands %I to a drive letter only.
%~pI Expands %I to a path only.
%~nI Expands %I to a file name only.
%~xI Expands %I to a file extension only.
%~sI Expanded path contains short names only.
%~aI Expands %I to file attributes of the file.
%~tI Expands %I to date/time of the file.
%~zI Expands %I to size of the file.
%~$PATH:I Searches the directories listed in the PATH environment variable and expands %I to the fully qualified name of the first one found. If the environment variable name is not defined or the file is not found by the search, then this modifier expands to the empty string.

The modifiers can be combined to get compound results:

%~dpI Expands %I to a drive letter and path only.
%~nxI Expands %I to a file name and extension only.
%~fsI Expands %I to a full path name with short names only.
%~dp$PATH:i Searches the directories listed in the PATH environment variable for %I and expands to the drive letter and path of the first one found.
%~ftzaI Expands %I to a DIR like output line.

In the examples above, %I and PATH can be replaced by other valid values. The %~ syntax is terminated by a valid FOR variable name. Picking uppercase variable names like %I makes it more readable and avoids confusion with the modifiers, which are not case-sensitive.

Windows 95, 98, ME syntax

FOR %variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameters]
%variable Specifies a replaceable parameter.
(set) Specifies a set of one or more files. Wildcards may be used.
command Specifies the command to carry out for each file.
command-parameters Specifies parameters or switches for the specified command.

To use the FOR command in a batch program, specify %% variable instead of % variable.



for 示例

for /F %%A in ("pics.txt") do If %%~zA equ 0 del pics.txt


for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=/ " %%d in ("%date%") do rename "hope.txt" %%e-%%f-%%g.txt


for /f %F in ('dir /b /a-d ^| findstr /vile ".tiff .jpg"') do del "%F"


for /F %%A in ("pics.txt") do If %%~zA equ 0 del pics.txt

In the above example, if the file pics.txt was found in the current directory and was equal to 0 in file size, that file would be deleted.

for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=/ " %%d in ("%date%") do rename "hope.txt" %%e-%%f-%%g.txt

The example above takes the date from %date% and uses its data to rename the hope.txt file to the current date.

for /f %F in ('dir /b /a-d ^| findstr /vile ".tiff .jpg"') do del "%F"

The for command above would delete everything in the current directory that did not end with a .tiff or .jpg.

